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Discussion on "Creativity and Social Impact" at Innovathens
On Tuesday, June 25 at 17.30, we participate in the Sm-Art meeting of Smath!This is a project implemented under the Interreg MED...
Discussion on "supporting Ecological Creativity"
As part of the design of our project "UrbanDig_Adrianeio" with activities on Hadrian's Aqueduct of Athens (2019-2020), our team...
Presenting an idea for synergies in 2019 at the "Co-Museum" Conference
On 29 November, we participated in the international conference titled "The Co-Museum: Synergies, coalitions and partnerships between...
First announcements of UrbanDig Hadrian
Invited by Dionysis Mourelatos, professor of Open University, we presented today our design of a new program "UrbanDig Hadrian" to 20...
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