Dramatized Workshops Designed!
Our vision is to create a Hadrian Neighborhood NETWORK. The first step in the creation of the NETWORK is implemented by the UrbanDig...
Dramatized Workshops Designed!
Hadrian Neighborhood Network begins
Συμμετοχή του UrbanDig Project στο συνέδριο: HerMa HUB: Fostering Communities
Participation of UrbanDig Project in the conference: HerMa HUB: Fostering Communities
Το UrbanDig Project συντονίζει το πρόγραμμα ERASMUS+ “HADRiAN”
Δραματοποιημένες Ημερίδες
UrbanDig Project coordinates the ERASMUS+ programme “HADRiAN”
Αδριάνειο Δίκτυο Γειτονιών
ANAVRA a continuous come-back to Dourgouti
Participation in th 5th ESDIAPOK Conference