UrbanDig Project is the meeting point of art and space within a “dig” of cultural capital in the contemporary city. It is a perspective regarding the production and the role of art, being a continuous report from the front of the imaginary, the un-measurable, the unspoken. It is a statement for the production and the reproduction of space as a continuous process of realising social relations.
The arts of theatre and dance exit the building, the scene, the scenario, the predefined form, in order to meet urban space and the social relations that produce it. Within an unbreakable circle, artistic creation is being spatialised, while space offers motivation for artistic expression.
The philosophy of action is in the core of such a relation. Action creates new relations and therefore new space, new geographies and new artistic imprints that open the circle's radius towards a spiral shape. A spiral that returns to the beginning but moves forward; reattributes and transcends.
A site-specific performance constitutes always a motivation, request and festive finale. The interaction of the artists' team with the place goes far beyond the use of urban space as a new, alternative scene and leads to a multilevel community mapping.
This mapping becomes a way to collect stories and data as well as to capture multiple images of space and the community, which gives birth to an identity, an archive and a scenario.
The circle of UrbanDig Project places the quest for art in the centre. Its axis is composed by collective actions, bridgings and synergies, which inscribe a new perimeter, a new “orchestra” in the heart of space.
UrbanDig Project develops and suggests a certain methodology inscribed within the core concept or else within the circle. The shape of the triangle represents accurately all basic methodological aspects:
qualitative research - artistic interventions - community actions